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Serious Assault at Evan Hardy Collegiate Results in Student Injury



Evan Hardy Collegiate School

On September 5, 2024, a serious incident occurred at Evan Hardy Collegiate in Saskatoon, where a 15-year-old girl was set on fire by a 14-year-old student during the lunch hour.

At 12:18 PM, police received reports of the assault and quickly dispatched a School Resource Officer who was on-site for a separate matter. The officer was able to apprehend the suspect within 60 seconds of the incident.

The victim was transported to the hospital with severe burns, while the suspect is currently in police custody. Additionally, a teacher was injured in an attempt to extinguish the flames and was also taken to the hospital for treatment.

Sgt. Ken Kane of the Saskatoon police school resource unit stated that the situation could have escalated if the officer had not been present at the time.

Saskatoon Public Schools announced that classes would be cancelled for the remainder of the day and will continue to be suspended the following day.

Rachel Adams

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