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Spring Harvest Festivals Celebrated Across India: A Cultural Extravaganza



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As the spring season blooms across India, various states are immersed in the vibrant celebrations of their respective spring harvest festivals. From Poila Boishak in West Bengal to Baisakhi in Punjab, Bohag Bihu in Assam, Vishu in Kerala, and Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, each festival is a unique cultural extravaganza.

Poila Boishak heralds the fresh Bengali New Year with prayers, special dishes, and gatherings with loved ones. Meanwhile, in Punjab, Baisakhi is celebrated with traditional Kadha Prasad, Gidda performances, and community festivities like Langar.

Assam comes alive with Bohag Bihu, a seven-day festival filled with songs, dances, and traditional rituals. In Kerala, Vishu begins with the auspicious Vishu Kani, a symbolic arrangement prepared by the eldest family member, followed by traditional feasts.

Tamil Nadu observes Puthandu, the Tamil New Year, seeking blessings at temples and preparing Pongal and Mango Pachadi as part of the celebrations. Across India, these festivals not only mark the start of the harvest season but also showcase the rich cultural diversity and traditions of each region.

Rachel Adams

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