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The Teacher Series Two Premieres on Channel 5



The Teacher Channel 5

Channel 5 is set to premiere the second series of the drama series ‘The Teacher‘ on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9pm. Following the successful first series that aired in January 2022, the show has returned with a new cast including Kara Tointon, Will Mellor, and Emmett J Scanlan.

The original series starred Sheridan Smith as Jenna Garvey, a school teacher accused of inappropriate conduct with a student. The new series features Kara Tointon in the central role of Dani, who enters into a tumultuous affair with her colleague, played by Will Mellor. This affair leads to unexpected consequences when a student goes missing during a school trip.

The synopsis for ‘The Teacher II’ highlights the story of Dani, an art teacher dedicated to her students but struggling in her marriage. The impulsive decisions she makes result in a deadly turn of events, forcing her to confront the fallout of her actions.

Series two of ‘The Teacher’ will consist of four episodes, airing on consecutive days following its premiere. This high-stakes drama seeks to explore themes of guilt and responsibility within the educational system.

Rachel Adams

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