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Torrential Rain Causes Dam to Rupture and Flooding in Chertsey, Quebec



Torrential Rain Causes Dam To Rupture And Flooding In Chertsey, Quebec

Flooding resulting from heavy rainfall has led to the rupture of a small dam in Chertsey, Quebec, situated in the Lanaudière region, approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Montreal.

The dam located along De l’Église Road collapsed on Sunday evening, causing significant disruption in the area.

According to the town manager, Marc-André Plante, Chertsey is currently facing challenges with approximately 10 to 12 roads being either fully or partially blocked due to the flooding.

Since the onset of the heavy rainfall, Chertsey has experienced a total of 105 millimeters of rain in the region, exacerbating the flooding and infrastructure damage.

The town authorities have not issued any evacuation orders as of now, reassuring citizens that there is no immediate threat to their safety. However, Mayor Michelle Joly emphasized the importance of closely monitoring the developing situation.

In a statement to Radio-Canada, Joly urged residents to restrict their movements unless absolutely necessary, until the conditions improve in the area.

She acknowledged the concerted efforts of the public works departments and firefighters who are actively engaged in managing the crisis on the ground. While challenges persist, Joly affirmed that the situation is currently under control.

Additional updates and insights on the ongoing developments in Chertsey will continue to be provided by Radio-Canada as the situation evolves.

Rachel Adams

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