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Trenton Conducts Annual Homelessness Count to Assess Needs and Provide Support



Trenton Conducts Annual Homelessness Count To Assess Needs And Provide Support

The Trenton/Mercer Continuum of Care (CoC) Program recently completed its annual count of individuals experiencing homelessness in the city. This point-in-time survey, conducted with the help of various organizations, aims to assess needs and provide support to those in need in Mercer County. The data collected also aids the federal government in determining financial assistance across the nation.

The CoC program’s primary objective is to foster communitywide dedication to eradicating homelessness. It offers funding for nonprofit providers and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families, while reducing the trauma and upheaval associated with homelessness.

As mandated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the annual assessment specifically counts people who are sheltered in emergency shelters, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night. The Trenton/Mercer CoC collaborated with organizations such as the Rescue Mission of Trenton, Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, and Anchor House to ensure an accurate count was obtained.

During the count, donations were distributed to the individuals encountered. The Smith Family provided personal hygiene products, Kinder Smile donated dental care items, and Princeton Friends School contributed outdoor gear and hygiene kits. Mercer County provided resource cards, and the City of Trenton supplied bags for distribution.
