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Two Earthquakes Shake Baramulla District



Baramulla District Jammu Kashmir Earthquake

Early Tuesday morning, the residents of Baramulla district in Jammu and Kashmir experienced two back-to-back earthquakes that left many feeling shaken.

The first earthquake struck at 6:45 am, registering a magnitude of 4.9 on the Richter scale. It occurred at a depth of 5 kilometers, with its epicenter located near Baramulla.

Just minutes later, at 6:52 am, a second earthquake followed closely behind, registering a magnitude of 4.8 and occurring at a depth of 10 kilometers. Both tremors were centered in the same region, adding to the anxiety of the locals.

Despite the intensity of these quakes, fortunately, there have been no reports of casualties or significant damage so far. Authorities are keeping a close watch on the situation to ensure everyone’s safety.

Given India’s geographical location, the country is quite vulnerable to earthquakes, especially in mountainous regions like Jammu and Kashmir. This area falls under a highly active seismic zone, which means residents need to be prepared for such natural events.

Rachel Adams

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