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Zoe Ball Reveals Mother’s Cancer Diagnosis: Still Absent from Radio 2 Show



Zoe Ball Reveals Mother's Cancer Diagnosis: Still Absent From Radio 2 Show

Zoe Ball, the renowned BBC Radio 2 presenter, continues to be absent from her morning show following the revelation that her mother, Julia, has been diagnosed with cancer. Gaby Roslin stepped in to host The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show in her absence as she takes time off to be with her family amidst this challenging period.

Ball took to Instagram to share the heartbreaking news, expressing her gratitude for the support received and commending her brave mother in the face of adversity. Prominent figures, including other Radio 2 DJs and TV personalities, extended their love and support to Zoe and her family during this tough time.

The absence of Zoe Ball on her own show persisted on Thursday, as her listeners tuned in at 6:30 am to find Roslin once again filling in. This comes on the heels of Zoe’s Instagram announcement regarding her mother’s health battle, indicating that she may need more time away from her show to be with her family.

On Monday, Ball had already made it known that she would be taking a short break from her show, with Roslin temporarily taking over the hosting duties. The DJ expressed her deep appreciation for Gaby stepping in and holding down the fort during her absence.

Despite her absence, Zoe Ball’s show is being expertly covered by Gaby Roslin, ensuring that listeners are still entertained and informed in her stead. The love and well-wishes pouring in from fans and colleagues alike further attest to the support network surrounding Zoe during this challenging time.

Rachel Adams

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