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Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with Joy



Raksha Bandhan Celebrations

Today, families across the country are joyfully celebrating the festival of Raksha Bandhan. This special day takes place on the full moon of the month of Sawan and symbolizes the love between brothers and sisters.

This year, Raksha Bandhan coincides with Sawan’s full moon, making its significance even greater. According to ancient scriptures, this festival has been celebrated for ages, where sisters tie rakhi on their brothers’ wrists and brothers promise to protect their sisters.

Many families perform rituals at home, and it’s also common for priests to partake in the celebrations by tying rakhi for all family members. As part of the custom, brothers often give gifts to their sisters as a token of love and appreciation.

As per astrology, the auspicious time to tie rakhi today begins at 1:32 PM. Additionally, it’s also noted that even after sunset, it remains a favorable moment for this ritual. If your schedule is tight, you can tie rakhi after sunset as well, particularly between 6:56 PM and 9:08 PM.

This evening, festival enthusiasts are advised to ensure the direction during rakhi tying is either east or north, while the brother should face west after sunset. This arrangement is believed to enhance prosperity and good fortune.

Therefore, today is all about celebrating bonds of love and care, sprinkled with age-old traditions. The joy of Raksha Bandhan reminds everyone to cherish familial ties with warmth and affection.

Rachel Adams

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