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Clarke Reed, Key Figure in Southern Republican Party, Passes Away at 96



Clarke Reed Republican Party

Clarke Reed, a prominent figure in the development of the Republican Party in the Southern United States, has passed away at the age of 96. Reed, a businessman from Greenville, Mississippi, played a crucial role in shaping the party’s presence in the region.

Reed is perhaps best known for his significant contribution to Gerald Ford‘s 1976 Republican presidential nomination. His efforts were instrumental in securing Ford’s position as the Republican candidate, highlighting Reed’s influence within the party.

Throughout his career, Reed was dedicated to building and strengthening the Republican Party across the South. His work helped to establish a robust Republican presence in a region that had historically been dominated by the Democratic Party.

The Mississippi Republican Party has expressed deep sadness over Reed’s passing, acknowledging his legacy as an icon within the party. His contributions to the political landscape of Mississippi and the broader Southern United States are widely recognized and respected.

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