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Hockey Player Found Guilty of Sexual Assault on Minor



Hockey Player Found Guilty Of Sexual Assault On Minor

A hockey player, Noah Corson, has been convicted of sexual assault on a minor under the age of 16. The verdict was delivered on Friday morning at the Drummondville courthouse by Judge Paul Dunnigan.

The trial of Noah Corson took place in November at the same courthouse. The identity of the victim is protected by a publication ban. The incident involving Noah Corson occurred in the fall of 2016 at the minor victim’s residence when she was 15 years old.

The prosecution and the defense agreed that Noah had participated in a group sexual activity with two other hockey players at the victim’s residence. The primary dispute in the case revolved around whether or not the minor victim had given consent, as well as the due diligence Noah Corson had undertaken to verify the victim’s age.

While Noah Corson claimed in court that he believed the victim was at least 18 years old, the prosecution argued that he displayed negligence or willful blindness. In the judge’s ruling, Judge Paul Dunnigan emphasized that the accused had not taken all reasonable measures to ascertain the true age of the victim.

Following the verdict, there were mixed reactions in the courtroom, with some individuals expressing joy and Noah Corson leaving the courtroom with his hands covering his face. The defense has expressed disagreement with the judgment and will analyze it before deciding on a possible appeal. A pre-sentence report has been requested, and both parties are scheduled to reconvene on May 3 for sentencing submissions.

Two other players involved in the incident pleaded guilty in the Youth Chamber. This development comes with the information provided by Thomas Deshaies.

Rachel Adams

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