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Linkin Park Announces Reunion and New Album Following Tragedy



Linkin Park New Album Announcement

Linkin Park, the iconic rap-rock band, has announced its return with a new lineup and a fresh studio album, marking its first new music release since the death of lead singer Chester Bennington in 2017.

On September 5, 2024, the group revealed its new lead singer, Emily Armstrong, previously of the band Dead Sara, along with drummer Colin Brittain, who replaces original drummer Rob Bourdon. Remaining members of the band include Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Joe Hahn, and Phoenix.

The announcement included the unveiling of their new album titled ‘From Zero,’ set to be released on November 15. This album will be the band’s first since ‘One More Light,’ which was released shortly before Bennington’s tragic death.

The band members expressed their excitement, stating that the title ‘From Zero’ symbolizes their beginnings and the creative journey they are currently embarking on. They emphasized their desire to reconnect with their musical roots while exploring new creative directions.

Linkin Park will also embark on the ‘From Zero World Tour,’ which features scheduled performances in major cities, including Los Angeles, New York, Hamburg, London, Seoul, and Bogotá.

Rachel Adams

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