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Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Finally Revealed by Nintendo After Years of Silence



Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Finally Revealed By Nintendo After Years Of Silence

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond has resurfaced from the depths of development limbo, as Nintendo unveiled the highly anticipated sequel during their recent presentation.

Originally announced by Nintendo at E3 in 2017 with Bandai Namco as the developer, the project now known as Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is set to launch on the Switch in 2025.

Following the 2007 release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, fans have been eagerly awaiting a new installment in the series, with Metroid Prime 4 aimed to fill that void until it faced a complete overhaul in 2019 due to not meeting the expected quality standards set by Nintendo.

The reboot saw the involvement of Retro Studios, the original developers of the Metroid Prime series, to bring back the beloved protagonist Samus Aran in a fresh adventure.

With sparse updates since then, the sudden reveal of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond and its gameplay footage during the latest Nintendo Direct comes as a welcome surprise to long-time fans, showcasing familiar elements such as Samus’s abilities to scan, shoot, and morph into a ball.

Set to potentially coincide with the end of the current Switch console’s lifecycle, this latest installment marks a significant moment for the Metroid community, reigniting excitement and anticipation for the return of their iconic heroine.

Rachel Adams

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