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Search Continues for Indian Tourist Missing After Sinkhole Incident in Kuala Lumpur



Kuala Lumpur Sinkhole Rescue Efforts

A 48-year-old Indian woman, Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, has been missing since she fell into a 26-foot sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on August 23, 2024. The incident occurred while she was walking in the Dang Wangi area of the city.

Rescue operations have been ongoing, with authorities facing challenges due to heavy debris within the sinkhole. Search teams have cordoned off the affected area and utilized excavators to clear the rubble, yet there has been no sign of the missing woman.

Kuala Lumpur’s mayor, Datuk Seri Maimunah Mohd Sharif, provided an update indicating that the focus of the search has been on specific manhole areas near Agro Bank and Jalan Kinabalu. Local police believe that underground water currents may have carried the woman away.

In an effort to locate Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, the search and rescue (SAR) teams are adopting careful strategies, as disrupting public infrastructure could potentially lead to flooding in the area. Police chief Rusdi Mohamad Isa stated that the search efforts must be meticulously planned to avoid reckless actions.

The woman, who was in Malaysia with her husband and friends for vacation, was expected to return home on the day following her disappearance. Authorities have provided support to her family, including accommodation and counseling services.

The Indian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur announced that search operations are being enhanced through modern techniques, such as high-pressure water jets, remote cameras, and ground-penetrating radars. Specialized teams are actively involved in the retrieval efforts.

Rachel Adams

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