Standoff on 91 Freeway Ends Tragically as Suspect Dies After Police Chase

A police pursuit that culminated in a nearly four-hour standoff on the 91 Freeway near Corona, ending tragically as the suspect in question lost his life on Friday. The high-stakes chase commenced at 8 a.m. in Corona, where officers from the Corona Police Department made an attempt to intercept the driver near the intersection of McKinley Street and Griffin Way regarding a case of domestic stalking.
Escaping swiftly in a blue sedan, the suspect transitioned onto the 91 Freeway, eventually halting near Lakeview Avenue for reasons that remain ambiguous. The individual, suspected to be armed, adamantly resisted exiting the vehicle, prompting authorities to seal off both directions of the freeway. Westward lanes were blocked at Imperial Highway, while eastbound lanes shut down at Lakeview Avenue, as reported by CalTrans.
The prolonged standoff caused a significant traffic backlog, with vehicles queued for extensive distances in both directions. In response, some cars were permitted to turn around on the freeway and drive contra-flow to reach the closest exit. As a preventative measure, two nearby educational institutions – Crescent Elementary and Crescent Primary – enforced lockdowns during the incident.
Corona Police Corporal Tobias Kouroubacalis disclosed that the police engaged in communication with the individual through a phone call throughout the standoff. It was emphasized that the department exhibited no urgency to establish physical contact, only advancing if there were indications of an active threat.
Around noon, KTLA’s Chip Yost reported discerning a peculiar noise from the vicinity, characterizing it as a ‘pop,’ albeit without precise clarification. Subsequently, KTLA’s Mike Case, operating from Sky5, visualized the individual in a ‘slumped’ position within the vehicle, blood apparent. Following these accounts, authorities retrieved the person, appearing deceased, from the car. Although the cause of death remained unconfirmed, authorities affirmed it was not a consequence of any action by law enforcement agents.
By 12:45 p.m., Caltrans facilitated the reopening of eastbound lanes on the 91 Freeway. Nonetheless, the westbound lanes remained inaccessible into the afternoon, with traffic rerouted to Imperial Highway. Complete restoration of all lanes was accomplished by 4 p.m., ultimately resolving the standoff’s disruption.