Local Singer Found to Portray Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys Production in Coffs Harbour

FRANKIE has been found and will be singing his one-off falsetto in the upcoming production of Jersey Boys, the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons in Coffs Harbour.
Late last year News Of The Area put out a call out to local singers to audition for the role of Frankie, a challenge owing to the uniqueness of his voice.
Such a unique voice was always going to be hard to find but was essential for the show to stay true to the original Broadway production, the show’s director, Vanessa Crossley told NOTA.
In fact, finding the three voices to complement the falsetto of Frankie would also prove to be a challenge for Vanessa and her team.
After a four-week campaign that involved the NOTA story, a social media hunt and several well-placed phone calls the four leading men were assembled, she said.
Tim Gibbs, hailing from the UK, and holding a BA Hons in Acting and Technical Theatre as well as a Master of Arts from the Royal Academy of Music, stepped into the role of Frankie.
Having enjoyed a brief career on London’s West End as well as roles in British soaps The Bill and EastEnders and big screen blockbusters Gladiator and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Tim then moved to Australia in 2007.
Tim has been involved in local theatre both here and in Port Macquarie and spends his off-stage time working with local youth producing musicals through Liberty Theatre Company.
Coffs Harbour audiences are in for a treat as Tim returns to stage after five years away.
Ezekiel Weedon, ‘Zeke’ to the cast, brought his amazing talent all the way from Newcastle every weekend during the rehearsal period, before relocating permanently for the run of the show.
Zeke, who brings to life the character of Bob Gaudio, holds an A+ AMEB music examination result for classical music and has sung many times with Gondwana Voices, the premier children’s and young adults’ choir, based in Sydney.
After first seeing Zeke sing as a seventeen-year-old, Vanessa knew one day a perfect project would come along to showcase his talents.
Rounding out the foursome are two performers new to musical theatre in Coffs Harbour.
Troy Rogers from Thora is a new arrival to the Coffs Coast in 2023 and during rehearsals for Jersey Boys managed to write and perform his one act show, ‘Upside Down Fantasy Land’, at the Newcastle Fringe Festival.
Baxter Corcoran, the youngest member of the four, is making his stage debut in a huge role which he has embraced fully.
Baxter is studying teaching at Southern Cross University whilst wrangling kids at the St Augustine’s Primary School After School Care program.