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Montana Millionaire Announces $250,000 Prize Winner in ‘Quarter Million Monday’ Drawing



Montana Millionaire Lottery Drawing

On Monday, December 2, 2024, the Montana Millionaire lottery announced the winning numbers for the $250,000 prize as part of its ‘Quarter Million Monday’ drawing. The drawing took place at 10:00 a.m., and participants were advised to keep their tickets handy to check if they had won.

The Montana Millionaire lottery saw a significant surge in ticket sales on November 1, with 500,000 tickets sold. One of these tickets was randomly selected for the $250,000 prize during the Monday drawing.

This announcement is part of the larger Montana Millionaire lottery, which will culminate in the grand prize drawing of $1 million on December 26. In addition to the $250,000 prize, there will be other winners announced before the grand prize is revealed.

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