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Residents in FCT Loot NEMA Warehouse Over Economic Hardship



Residents In Fct Loot Nema Warehouse Over Economic Hardship

Residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) were involved in an act of looting on Sunday, targeting a warehouse reportedly owned by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Situated in the Phase 3 region of Abuja, the warehouse became a focal point for the desperate community members amidst the prevailing economic challenges.

A video that went viral on social media captured the chaotic scene as numerous individuals broke into the warehouse, rummaging through and hauling away various food items. The voiceover in the video painted a picture of the unfolding events.

Responding to inquiries about the incident, Josephine Adeh, the spokesperson for the FCT police command, confirmed the episode via a text message, stating that the situation was swiftly brought under control.

The unrest in the FCT comes on the heels of mass protests in major Nigerian cities like Lagos and Ibadan. The Joint Action Front and the Coalition for Revolution recently mobilized demonstrations in Lagos to decry the escalating food prices and the overall cost of living in the country.

Similarly, the youths in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State, voiced their discontent by taking to the streets to protest the exorbitant costs of food and the dire state of the nation’s economy. The protests reflect the growing frustration and anger among the populace due to the harsh economic realities.

Rachel Adams

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