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Telangana Teacher Recruitment Exam Results Announced



Telangana Teacher Recruitment

The Department of School Education in Telangana has officially announced the results for the direct recruitment examination for teacher posts. Candidates who participated in the examination can access their results on the official website at To check their results, candidates are required to input details such as their admit card number and date of birth.

The results for the Teachers’ Service Direct Recruitment (TS DSC) examination were unveiled by Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. This examination, conducted in two shifts from July 18 to August 5, 2024, was held to fill various teacher posts including School Assistants, Secondary Grade Teachers, Language Pandits, Physical Education Teachers, and Special Education Teachers.

Following the examination, a provisional answer key was released in August. Candidates had the opportunity to raise objections to the answers until a specific deadline. After carefully reviewing the objections, the final answer key was prepared and made public in September.

The recruitment drive in Telangana aims to fill a total of 11,062 teacher positions. The hiring process is being conducted based on a merit cum roster system in accordance with the existing provisions implemented by the Government of Telangana.

Additionally, an edit window link was made available, allowing candidates to correct personal details through the official TS DSC website.

For further information regarding the results and recruitment process, candidates are encouraged to visit the official website of TS DSC.

Rachel Adams

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