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Kentucky Department of Education Honors Schools for Best Practices



Kentucky Department Of Education 2024 Summit

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has recognized 16 schools and districts for best practices at the 2024 Continuous Improvement Summit held at the Central Bank Center in Lexington on September 23-24. The awards highlight innovative educational strategies that have had significant impacts on student learning and school processes.

During the summit, educators, administrators, and school leaders from across the state gathered to share insights and learn from each other. The event focused on providing participants with leadership and teaching strategies aimed at enhancing educational experiences for students.

Robbie Fletcher, the Commissioner of Education, expressed his pride in the dedication of Kentucky’s educators. “I am proud of our educators and their ‘All In’ commitment to giving Kentucky children engaging educational opportunities that will benefit them both inside and outside of the classroom,” Fletcher stated.

Kelly Foster, KDE Associate Commissioner, presented each recipient with a $500 check intended for school improvement purposes. These awards are part of KDE’s broader effort to promote methods proven to enhance student learning, achievement, and overall school processes.

The KDE originally launched its initiative in 2013 as a way to compile and share educational strategies that demonstrate measurable results in various educational settings. The initiative offers a platform for teachers, administrators, and education advocates to submit their best practices for potential recognition.

Rachel Adams

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