RRB Extends NTPC 2024 Application Deadlines Amidst High Demand

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced an extension to the application process for the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) recruitment 2024. The deadline for undergraduate positions has been extended to October 27, while the deadline for graduate positions remains October 20. Initially, the deadline for undergraduate applications was set for October 13, but it has now been revised.
This recruitment drive by the RRB aims to fill approximately 11,558 vacancies, segregated into 8,113 graduate-level positions and 3,445 undergraduate-level positions. The recruitment is open for various posts such as commercial cum ticket clerk, accounts clerk cum typist, junior and senior clerks, as well as trains clerk for undergraduate candidates. For graduates, the positions available include those of chief commercial cum ticket supervisor, station master, goods train manager, junior account assistant cum typist, and senior clerk cum typist.
The application process includes key dates such as the deadline for fee payment, which extends to October 29 following the closure of applications. Additionally, a modification window will be available from October 30 to November 6 for candidates who need to make changes to their application.
The selection process consists of a two-stage examination: the computer-based test (CBT), followed by either a computer-based aptitude test (CBAT) or a typing skill test (TST), depending on the post applied for. Furthermore, the examination duration will be 120 minutes for candidates with disabilities (PwBD) who are accompanied by a scribe.
Candidates will receive an e-call letter and detailed instructions via SMS and email on their registered mobile numbers and email addresses. No physical call letters will be sent through postal service. All relevant information and the application form are accessible on the official RRB website at