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The Hairy Bikers Go West: Dave Myers Triumphantly Returns After Cancer Treatment



The Hairy Bikers Go West: Dave Myers Triumphantly Returns After Cancer Treatment

After almost two years since Dave Myers, one-half of the beloved duo the Hairy Bikers, was diagnosed with cancer, they are back with a new series that is both heartwarming and humorous. The first episode of The Hairy Bikers Go West aired on the BBC and showcased Myers’ triumphant return after undergoing treatment.

In this special festive episode, the Hairy Bikers embark on a journey along the west coast of the UK, starting on the picturesque Isle of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. The island holds great significance for Myers and Si King as they had visited it 30 years ago when it was less developed. The episode serves as a delightful advertisement, showcasing the local produce and picturesque landscapes that make the Isle of Bute a must-visit destination.

The Hairy Bikers make stops at various places on the island, including a deli in Rothesay that sells unique items such as grouse-flavored crisps. They explore a butcher’s shop that has been in the same family for generations and discover “blaggis”, a delicious black pudding and haggis combination. Additionally, they visit a Syrian-run patisserie and a community market garden that offers seasonal produce and helps train apprentices. The show provides a platform for small businesses and highlights the importance of sustainability and community.

Vicarious eating is a key element of The Hairy Bikers’ shows, and the dishes they cook up using local ingredients look mouthwatering. Though not particularly vegetarian-friendly, they offer thoughtful alternatives such as swapping lamb for aubergine. Viewers will surely be left hungry and wanting to try out the delectable foods showcased on the show.

However, this series goes beyond tantalizing taste buds. Since his diagnosis, Myers has become more reflective and philosophical. The conversations between him and King have taken on a new significance, as they openly discuss their emotions and experiences. Myers shares his journey battling cancer and how he longed to ride a motorbike again, which was made possible through hard work and determination during his ongoing treatment.

The Hairy Bikers add their trademark humor, balance sentiment with lightheartedness, and make the show incredibly enjoyable to watch. It is evident that their friendship and bond have only grown stronger throughout their travels and challenges. The return of Dave Myers to the screen is a triumph and a reminder to seize the day and appreciate the normality of life.

The Hairy Bikers Go West is a delightful and heartwarming series that not only showcases incredible food and destinations but also celebrates the power of friendship and resilience. It is a must-watch for fans of the Hairy Bikers and anyone seeking uplifting and entertaining content.

Rachel Adams

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