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Trump Teases Potential Vice Presidential Pick at Rally in Doral



Trump Teases Potential Vice Presidential Pick At Rally In Doral

At a recent rally in Doral, Donald Trump hinted at a potential vice presidential pick from a shortlist that includes Florida Senator Marco Rubio. As the crowd gathered, Trump’s speech indicated a consideration for a running mate without a definitive announcement.

Rubio, delivering a spirited speech, aligning closely with Trump’s talking points, showcased potential in his role as Trump’s surrogate after a recent debate with President Joe Biden.

During the rally, Trump playfully mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris in comparison to Rubio, suggesting an alternative pick for the role.

Trump’s remarks also included anecdotes about Ted Kennedy, his no-taxes-for-tips proposal, and warm acknowledgments of Florida Patriots present, including Rubio, along with members of Congress and state legislators.

Rubio’s own speech emphasized the global implications of Biden’s performance, painting a picture where international rivals might take advantage of perceived weaknesses in the current administration.

Scott, a Senate colleague, voiced support for Rubio as a potential vice presidential pick, praising Rubio’s work in the Senate.

A.G. Gancarski, known for his coverage on, is a prominent figure in Northeast Florida media, with extensive contributions from journalists like Phil Ammann, Drew Dixon, and more at Extensive Enterprises Media based in St. Petersburg.

Rachel Adams

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