The highly anticipated line-up for the upcoming 17th series of Taskmaster has been revealed, sparking excitement among fans of the hit show. The contestants set to...
In an unprecedented achievement, Madison Marsh, a recent graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) and the reigning Miss Colorado, made history by becoming the...
Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt, renowned for his intriguing thrillers, recently shed light on the inspirations behind his 2006 film ‘Ankahee’. In an exclusive interview with X, Bhatt...
Comedian and former Chelsea Lately host, Handler, appeared to take a cheeky dig at her ex-boyfriend Jo Koy during her hosting duties at the Critics Choice...
The highly anticipated trailer of the action-packed film ‘Fighter‘ starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone was released today, leaving the audience in awe of its intense...
Gladiator Australia star Damien Rider, best known by his stage name Cobra, has unfortunately fallen victim to a deceitful reality TV scam. Having previously competed on...
Karan Johar, the celebrated filmmaker and charismatic host, has created some of the most unforgettable speeches in the history of the Filmfare Awards. His wit and...
Nigerian Afrobeats sensation Yemi Alade captivated fans with her breathtaking performance at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations. The electrifying event took...
Brunei‘s Prince Abdul Mateen, widely known as one of Asia‘s most eligible bachelors, has recently celebrated his marriage to Yang Mulia Anisha Rosnah in a grand...
Former NRL player Cooper Johns has recently made a surprising career move by joining radio duo Kyle and Jackie O as their new on-air talent. The...