Renowned Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan marked their 12th wedding anniversary with a celebration at the Pataudi Palace. The couple was joined...
Travis Kelce, renowned NFL tight end, is embarking on a journey into Hollywood, diversifying his repertoire beyond the football field. The athlete, who also happens to...
The 27th Precinct welcomes fresh changes as Season 24 of “Law & Order” unfolds on NBC. The series has introduced new dynamics with the arrival of...
At the recent London Film Festival, Andrew Garfield garnered attention with an unusual red carpet accessory—a life-size cardboard cut-out of Florence Pugh, his absent co-star. Pugh,...
Lauren Branning, a character played by Jacqueline Jossa on the popular British soap opera ‘EastEnders‘, has recently sparked concerns among viewers following a storyline involving a...
Actress Emily Osment has opened up about her recent nuptials, sharing heartwarming details of her wedding during a recent interview. Speaking with Drew Barrymore on her...
Indian actor Aasif Sheikh recently reminisced about an incident involving Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and his encounter with the traffic police due to rash driving. The...
LOS ANGELES — Actors Montana Jordan and Emily Osment are embracing experiences in their real lives that closely mirror the roles they play on screen. Both...
According to the latest updates from the Official Charts, a fresh wave of songs is capturing public attention in the United Kingdom. The new leader in...
In the latest episode of the popular television series “Survivor,” the alleged disturbances following the tribal council have left one contestant feeling isolated. The episode, titled...