Teenage boys are facing a silent epidemic of depression and anxiety, often going unnoticed and untreated, despite the rising awareness of mental health struggles in young...
The loss of nine-year-old Yazan, known as Yazouna by his mother, casts a shadow over the El-Kafarna family’s humble abode in Gaza’s Rafah. They reside in...
A recent survey conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed a concerning surge in long Covid cases across America, despite...
An Ontario-based researcher, Manali Mukherjee from McMaster University, has candidly shed light on her enduring struggle with long COVID-19, a condition she personally battled for 18...
Winnipeg Jets forward, Gabriel Vilardi, faces another setback in his playing career as he has been diagnosed with an enlarged spleen, keeping him out indefinitely. The...
In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, the prevalence of sleep disorders is on the rise, affecting many individuals due to increased work pressure and poor eating habits. Insomnia...
Trinamool Congress Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, was rushed to the SSKM Hospital after sustaining severe injuries due to an incident near her home....
Health Canada and Best Buy Canada have issued a safety alert for several models of Insignia-brand air fryers due to a potential fire and burn hazard....
The Kaua‘i District Health Office (KDHO) is gearing up to host an engaging open house event on Friday, April 5, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 1...
hello®, a leading personal care brand, has introduced a revolutionary toothpaste named hello® vitamin C Whitening Toothpaste. Powered by vitamin C, the new formula is designed...