In an unexpected twist during the recent Haryana Assembly elections, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi inadvertently turned a traditional Indian sweet, jalebi, into a significant symbol of...
The impending closure of Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice in Liverpool has been described as a “devastating blow” by families who rely on its services. The hospice...
There is currently no evidence to suggest that Iran has made the decision to develop a nuclear weapon, according to Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns....
Five years after enduring a personal tragedy, Shagun Parihar, the sole female Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate in the recent Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Polls, secured...
Islamic preacher Zakir Naik has sparked widespread controversy with his recent comments regarding women, which many have labeled as demeaning and derogatory. Speaking on social media,...
The Utah Hockey Club, the latest addition to the National Hockey League (NHL), is set to make its home debut at the Delta Center in Salt...
In a recent incident aboard a flight from Sydney to Tokyo, Australian airline Qantas found itself at the center of controversy after a mature-rated film was...
Jack Grealish, the celebrated Manchester City footballer, and his girlfriend Sasha Attwood have announced the birth of their first child. The couple shared the news on...
Star gazers across Saskatchewan experienced a remarkable display of the Aurora Borealis the night of October 7, 2024, as a solar storm impacted the northern hemisphere....
In the latest developments from the 2024 Haryana Assembly Elections, Rajesh Nagar of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has emerged victorious in the Tigaon constituency. Nagar...