Indian equity benchmarks rebounded strongly after a three-day losing streak, primarily driven by the rise in financials, automobile, metal, state-owned lenders, and energy stocks. The week...
Sports Illustrated, a renowned magazine, is undergoing significant changes as its publisher, The Arena Group, is laying off a large portion of its staff. This decision...
A Porsche 911, beloved by car enthusiasts, is undergoing an ambitious transformation that aims to bring its charm to a whole new level. This project involves...
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), led by Mukesh Ambani, has reported a 9% year-on-year increase in consolidated profit for the third quarter ending in December, reaching Rs...
Reliance Industries (RIL) reported strong financial results for the third quarter of FY24, with its telecom and retail segments driving revenue and profitability. However, the company’s...
Turkish Airlines has announced the official schedule for its highly anticipated flights to Australia, bringing an end to months of speculation. The airline is gearing up...
Sainsbury’s, the renowned supermarket chain, has announced plans to wind down its banking division as it aims to concentrate on its core food business. The company...
Tata Steel, the owners of Port Talbot steelworks in South Wales, have rejected a trade union plan aimed at keeping its blast furnaces running. This decision...
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon‘s compensation for 2023 has been announced, with a total of $36 million, reflecting a 4.3% increase from the previous year. The...
The deadline for repayment of the loans issued as part of the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) has passed without an extension from the federal government....