Tragedy struck the Spanish island of Majorca as a two-storey building collapse at the renowned Medusa Beach Club in the heart of Palma de Majorca on...
One person has tragically passed away following a devastating mudslide in the picturesque village of Carlton-in-Cleveland, located on the outskirts of the North York Moors National...
In a historic turn of events, the $150 million jackpot in Australia‘s Powerball draw was won by a single fortunate ticket holder. This jackpot marks a...
Peachland and West Kelowna are escalating their call for a second power line following a recent outage, prompting the Peachland council to prioritize lobbying efforts at...
In a significant development, 66-year-old Steve Wright, formerly of London Road, Ipswich, has been charged with the murder and kidnap of 17-year-old Victoria Hall in 1999....
Central Iowa was left reeling after a deadly tornado swept through rural communities, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Iowa State Patrol confirmed fatalities...
In preparation for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, residents of a quaint village in Huainan, a city in Anhui Province, China, are diving into the age-old...
A bodybuilder named Sven Lindemann has been sentenced to 31 years in prison for the brutal stabbing murder of his girlfriend Monique Lezsak, in a case...
A destructive tornado wreaked havoc in Greenfield, Iowa, a small town in the heart of the Midwest, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. FOX...
A tragic incident unfolded in Hornchurch, East London, as a woman in her 50s lost her life in a harrowing XL bully dog attack at a...