Tennis Victoria has announced the selection of players from Victoria who will compete at the prestigious Australian Teams Championships on the Gold Coast. This highly anticipated...
In a thrilling CFL matchup, the Saskatchewan Roughriders secured a heart-stopping last-second victory over the Hamilton Tiger-Cats on Sunday night. The Riders, led by Brett Lauther’s...
In a thrilling finale, Pakistan secured a remarkable victory against Ireland in the ICC T20 World Cup match held in Florida, not New York, bringing their...
Australian cricketer Travis Head displayed versatility in his batting approach during the T20 World Cup match against Scotland, showcasing adaptability as his team secured a crucial...
Sri Lanka faced a setback as they lost their fifth wicket against the Netherlands in the ongoing ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024 encounter. The match...
The United States Golf Association made headlines by announcing a record prize pool of $21.5 million for the prestigious 2024 U.S. Open Championship, held at the...
In a gripping Euro 2024 clash, England managed to secure a hard-fought victory over Serbia in their opening match at the Ruhr valley. The game witnessed...
As the final round of the 2024 U.S. Open kicked off at Pinehurst No. 2, all eyes were on the pairing of Rory McIlroy and Patrick...
Los Angeles Dodgers‘ star outfielder, Mookie Betts, faced a devastating blow during Sunday’s game against the Kansas City Royals, as a 97.9 mph fastball from Dan...
Bryson DeChambeau secured a dramatic victory at the US Open, dedicating the triumph to his late father, Jon, on Father’s Day in the US. DeChambeau’s poignant...