Sir Ian McKellen, the renowned actor, was rushed to the hospital after a dramatic fall during a performance of Player Kings at the historic Noël Coward...
Channel 5 is set to bring back the gripping drama series ‘Cold Call‘ for a repeat broadcast, captivating audiences once again with its thrilling storyline. The...
Margot, the adorable daughter of social media influencers Margot and Hubert, celebrated her second birthday in style with a mesmerizing Moana-themed party. The enchanting setup, inspired...
Ice Cube, the legendary West Coast rapper, recently shared his thoughts on the ongoing rap battle between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. During an appearance on The...
Actor Armie Hammer recently opened up about the controversial accusations of cannibalism and sexual misconduct that led to a significant downfall in his career during a...
The Quebec film industry mourns the loss of renowned director Érik Canuel, who passed away at the age of 63. The news was confirmed by the...
England’s star player Bukayo Saka kicked off the UEFA Euro 2020 campaign with a bang, securing a victory over Serbia in Gelsenkirchen on Sunday night. Among...
Taylor Swift has captivated Cardiff with her breathtaking Eras Tour at Principality Stadium, following previous mesmerizing performances in Liverpool and Edinburgh. The Welsh capital is abuzz...
The Quebec film industry is mourning the loss of esteemed film director Érik Canuel, who passed away at the age of 63. Canuel, known for his...
Edmonton Oilers recently received a spirited boost with a lively concert by Canadian and country music legend Shania Twain as part of the Festival at the...