The new documentary series “The Tragically Hip: No Dress Rehearsal” has captivated audiences since its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), where it claimed...
Vito Coppola, a professional dancer known for his appearances on Strictly Come Dancing, has emerged as the winner of Celebrity MasterChef 2024. The 31-year-old Italian contestant...
“Agatha All Along,” a new spin-off series focused on the character Agatha Harkness from Marvel’s “WandaVision,” has sparked diverse reactions from critics and viewers alike. The...
Dame Joan Collins, the esteemed Hollywood actress, was a guest on BBC One‘s The One Show where she candidly turned down an invitation from presenter Alex...
Hiphop Tamizha Adhi’s latest film, ‘Kadaisi Ulaga Por’, has premiered in theatres, adding a distinctive entry to Tamil cinema’s repertoire. The film, which explores a new...
In the realm of survival horror, the film “Never Let Go” offers a gripping tale of maternal instincts amidst chaos. Directed by Alexandre Aja, known for...
Esteemed filmmaker Danny Boyle is set to release his latest project, a zombie sequel titled “28 Years Later.” Following the acclaimed “28 Days Later” and “28...
Azazel Jacobs’s new film “His Three Daughters,” now streaming on Netflix, is a poignant exploration of familial relationships against the backdrop of an impending death. The...
The latest Bollywood offering, “Yudhra,” directed by Ravi Udyawar, attempts to deliver an action-packed narrative but falls short in terms of originality and depth. Starring Siddhant...
Porches, an American musical project by Aaron Maine, has released what many are calling the best album of its career so far, titled “Shirt.” The release,...