On a night dedicated to celebrating the best in entertainment, Sean Lennon took the opportunity to honor his mother, Yoko Ono, during the Oscars ceremony for...
The glitz and glamour of the 2024 Oscars shone bright as Ken‘s unforgettable performance stole the show, leaving audiences in awe and delight. Al Pacino‘s announcement...
Former Coronation Street star Ryan Thomas has emerged victorious in the latest season of the popular ice-skating competition Dancing on Ice, alongside his skilled partner Amani...
At the prestigious Oscars ceremony, actors Blunt and Gosling continued their playful ‘Barbenheimer‘ banter while paying homage to stunt performers in the film industry. The onstage...
A24‘s latest hit film ‘Past Lives‘ is captivating audiences and critics alike, earning two well-deserved Oscar nominations. Written and directed by the talented Celine Song, ‘Past...
Legendary actors Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster shared a heartwarming moment at the Oscars 2024 ceremony, reuniting after many years in the spotlight. Host Jimmy...
Legendary actor Al Pacino made a surprise appearance at the 2024 Oscars held at the iconic Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Presenting the final award of...
Ariana Grande took to Instagram to address her fans, pleading with them to cease sending hateful messages to individuals in her life in response to her...
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito had a delightful reunion at the Oscars as they joked about their encounters with Batman, igniting laughter among the audience. The...
Arriving at the 96th Annual Academy Awards, Eva Longoria arrived on the red carpet celebrating her directorial debut Flamin' Hot, which is nominated for Best Song....