Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has taken the Indian box office by storm. Released on August 15, which is also Independence Day, the...
Kareena Kapoor made Saif Ali Khan‘s birthday extra special this year by sharing a delightful throwback post on social media. In her heartwarming message, she included...
The new film ‘Khel Khel Mein,’ starring Akshay Kumar and Vaani Kapoor, hit cinemas on Independence Day. Directed by Muddasir Aziz, this comedy-drama faces stiff competition...
When their new comedy premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last year, stars Sandra Oh and Awkwafina found themselves unable to celebrate it due to...
Last night, Taylor Swift brought the house down at Wembley Stadium, kicking off the final part of her European leg of the Eras Tour. Joining her...
The popular game Fortnite is kicking off its fifth season of the Festival, and this time it’s all about Colombian superstar Karol G! From August 16...
Akshay Kumar‘s latest movie, Khel Khel Mein, hit theaters this Independence Day but didn’t exactly light up the box office. Despite being a comedy-drama featuring a...
Jana Duggar just got married! The star from Counting On walked down the aisle in a beautiful ceremony in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, on August 15. Surrounded...
Despite the heavy rain, Rajkummar Rao, the star of Stree 2, made a memorable visit to the Hindustan Times office in New Delhi. He was there...
Billie Eilish is soaring even higher in the music world! This talented artist has just hit No. 1 on three Billboard charts thanks to her latest...