Rock Ministries of Philadelphia, led by Associate Pastor Craig Cerrito, embarked on a mission to rejuvenate Kensington, a neighborhood in Philadelphia plagued by social challenges. Mayor...
Chaos unfolded at the annual Mardi Gras parade in Sydney as pro-Palestine protesters clashed with police, just meters away from the NSW Premier. The shocking incident...
A heart-stopping incident unfolded in Surat, as a courageous tribal farmer, Prakash Chaudhary, found himself face to face with a male leopard while attempting to rescue...
As the clocks in New Jersey prepare to spring forward an hour on March 10, 2024, marking the onset of Daylight Saving Time, a shift in...
Delhi, the national capital, experienced a sudden change in weather early this morning with light rainfall in various areas. Delhi-NCR also saw some areas with intermittent...
Environment and Climate Change Canada has escalated the winter storm alert for Southern Saskatchewan to a winter storm warning. The forecast includes a winter storm featuring...
The inquest into the tragic death of Thomas Kingston, the husband of Lady Gabriella Kingston and son-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, unfolded with...
Michelle Troconis, the implicated individual in the high-profile case involving the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos, has been found guilty on all counts by a jury in...
Authorities in Orange County have delivered a heartbreaking update regarding the case of missing teenager Madeline Soto, with Sheriff John Mina announcing that they now believe...
Three individuals were left injured in a disturbing turn of events as a police pursuit escalated into a shooting incident in Clapham, situated in south London....