Millie Bobby Brown, the acclaimed actress known for her role in ‘Stranger Things,’ recently shared a captivating tale of how her fiancĂ©, Jake Bongiovi, proposed to...
Afrobeat sensation Asake, also known in the music scene as ‘Mr Money‘, has dropped the highly-anticipated music video for his chart-topping single ‘Only Me’. The track...
In a heartwarming turn of events, the Amell cousins, Robbie Amell and Stephen Amell, returned to their childhood spot in Toronto, Canada, to film the highly-anticipated...
Starz has officially announced the renewal of the hit crime drama series ‘BMF’ for a fourth season, setting the stage for ongoing captivating storytelling. The network’s...
A recent documentary unveils chilling audio recordings of unusual banging sounds picked up during the search for the ill-fated Titan submarine that imploded while exploring the...
A new documentary series shedding light on the infamous case of Indrani Mukerjea, accused in the murder of her daughter Sheena Bora, has been unveiled on...
New insights into the passing of the beloved Australian actor Heath Ledger have surfaced, shedding light on a poignant phone call received by Hollywood director Stephen...
Terry Crews, the renowned actor and former NFL player, has experienced a remarkable journey from the football field to Hollywood‘s dazzling lights. Originally hailing from Flint,...
The Theatre Arts Production Studio at Penn State was bustling with activity as faculty and students worked on costumes for the Delaware Theatre Company’s production of...
Twenty One Pilots have made a significant announcement, revealing the upcoming release of their new album, Clancy. The album marks the final chapter in the band’s...