During a recent episode of The Voice, the competition heated up as childhood friends, Sierra, Courtney, and Kenna, known as OK3, wowed the audience with their...
British DJ Fred Again. took his fans on a whirlwind journey on social media before surprising them with a sold-out show at the iconic Sydney Opera...
Australian Idol 2024’s Ripley Alexander is carving out his own path in the music industry, with a style reminiscent of 70s soft rock while maintaining a...
The global music industry landscape witnessed a significant shift as Universal Music Group (UMG) made headlines with its majority stake acquisition of Mavin Global, a prominent...
The beloved 1964 film ‘Mary Poppins,’ featuring Julie Andrews, has had its age rating increased by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) in the UK...
Denis Villeneuve‘s Dune: Part 2 is receiving outstanding reviews, positioning itself as a potential sci-fi masterpiece. The film has surpassed previous sci-fi classics in critical acclaim,...
Married At First Sight Australia‘s 2024 season promises a diverse cast of couples set to ignite screens with drama and love as the show returns for...
The Chase‘s Jenny Ryan, famously known as The Vixen, showcased her remarkable knowledge on a past BBC show, as an old clip from her appearance on...
The renowned ghazal and playback singer, Pankaj Udhas, passed away at the age of 72 at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai. The news was confirmed by...
Renowned Nigerian movie producer, Kunle Afolayan, sparked controversy and faced criticism over the weekend as he engaged in dance routines with his daughter, Eyiyemi Afolayan, at...