Wendy's is commemorating the 25th anniversary of “SpongeBob SquarePants” with a new lineup of menu items, launched in collaboration with Nickelodeon and Paramount. The novel offerings...
Lady Gaga has disclosed that her creative process for the upcoming “Joker” sequel was ignited during a road trip through Big Sky Country with her fiancé,...
Every year on October 3, fans of the renowned teen movie “Mean Girls” commemorate “Mean Girls Day” by donning pink apparel and indulging in foods like...
The popular television series “Bergerac,” originally aired from 1981 to 1991, is set to return with a new reboot three decades after its original conclusion. This...
The fourth episode of “Agatha All Along,” titled “If I Can’t Reach You/Let My Song Teach You,” features significant developments as the coven led by Agatha...
Today marks National Boyfriend’s Day, an occasion celebrated by many as a time to reflect on memorable on-screen crushes. For Gen Z, these crushes often include...
When Warner Bros. began tracking the anticipated release of “Joker: Folie à Deux” three weeks ago, early forecasts suggested an opening box office of $70 million....
Frankie Valli, the legendary lead singer of The Four Seasons, continues to captivate audiences with his exceptional voice, which remains as powerful as ever at the...
Sunday Rose Kidman Urban, the daughter of Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman and musician Keith Urban, made her debut appearance at Paris Fashion Week, stepping into the...
The beloved teen drama series, “Heartstopper,” returns for its third season, continuing to follow the journey of its characters as they mature into young adulthood. This...