The recently released movie, Hanuman, has taken the cinema world by storm. This epic tale of heroism and adventure has left audiences in awe. Directed by...
Renowned Nigerian disc jockey, DJ Cuppy, has recently announced the release of her highly anticipated second studio album. The album, titled ‘Caramel’, is set to showcase...
After a brief hiatus, well-known British actress and singer Hannah Spearritt has made an exciting comeback to the entertainment industry. Spearritt, who gained immense popularity as...
Introducing Lalela Mswane, a talented and promising artist making waves in the music industry. With her unique sound and captivating performances, Mswane is quickly becoming a...
South African DJ and Grammy-nominated artist Black Coffee has taken the world by storm once again with his highly anticipated new album, ‘Epitome of House‘. Known...
Iconic pieces from the late rock legend David Bowie‘s personal collection were recently auctioned at Sotheby's, fetching millions in bids. The highly anticipated event, titled ‘Bowie/Collector,’...
NFL legend Michael Strahan, known for his successful sports career and charismatic personality, has ventured into the fashion world. The former New York Giants player, who...
The highly anticipated movie, Mission Impossible: The Return, starring Tom Cruise as the iconic character Ethan Hunt, has shattered box office records over its opening weekend....
LOS ANGELES – Adan Canto, renowned Mexican actor, has officially joined the star-studded cast of the highly anticipated action thriller film directed by Oliver Megaton. The...
In an exciting announcement, talented comedian Ayo Edebiri has been cast in a new upcoming Netflix series called ‘Hit Monkey‘. ‘Hit Monkey’ is a thrilling action-comedy...