Laverne Cox, the renowned American actress and LGBT advocate, has been making waves in recent days with her engaging appearances and continued advocacy for the LGBT...
Comedian, actor, television writer, author, and musician Paul Reiser is making a significant comeback in the entertainment industry. On November 19, 2024, his new stand-up comedy...
In a significant announcement, Amazon MGM Studios has revealed that Anne Hathaway will star in the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s bestselling psychological thriller, ‘Verity’. Hathaway...
Pamela Hayden, a beloved voice actor known for her contributions to the long-running animated series *The Simpsons*, has announced her retirement after an impressive 35-year tenure....
The lineup for the 2025 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival has been partially revealed, and it features a diverse and star-studded array of headliners. According...
Retired wrestling legend Hulk Hogan has been making headlines recently with several high-profile appearances and the promotion of his new beer, Real American Beer (RAB). On...
Dave Hollis, the former Disney executive and self-help author, has been remembered by his ex-partner Heidi Powell through a poignant revelation of their final text messages....
Actor Michael Malarkey has garnered attention recently for his stance on a popular coffee chain. During a recent interview, Malarkey was offered a Starbucks coffee but...
Alex Warren is gearing up for a busy first half of 2025 with the announcement of his ‘Cheaper Than Therapy Global Tour’. The tour, which spans...
Ryan Eggold, known for his roles as Tom Keen in NBC’s crime drama ‘The Blacklist‘ and Dr. Ethan Choi in the medical drama ‘New Amsterdam,’ has...