Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday that begins at nightfall on December 7 and ends on December 15. The...
Tensions escalated on Tuesday as Venezuela proposed a bill to establish a new province called Esequiba in a disputed region, which has been under Guyana‘s administration...
Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow has announced that she will not be returning to Hong Kong from Canada, as she faces bail conditions imposed by...
Venezuela has approved a referendum by President Nicolas Maduro’s government to claim sovereignty over a large part of its oil-rich neighbor Guyana. This latest development escalates...
Drones and missiles launched by Yemen‘s Houthi rebels targeted commercial ships in the Red Sea, while a U.S. warship took defensive action in response. The attack,...
Archbishop Eamon Martin has launched the tenth annual online Advent Calendar for the Catholic Church in Ireland. The calendar, hosted on the bishops’ conference online website,...
A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 struck off the southern Philippine coast, causing panic and prompting evacuations. The US Geological Survey reported that...
A team of marine scientists has made a ground-breaking discovery in the depths of Australian waters. Researchers have identified a new species of marine life that...
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Researchers in South Africa have made an extraordinary discovery, finding a species of mole thought to be extinct after more than...
Leaders from around the world gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York for the highly anticipated Climate Summit. The summit’s main focus was to...