The film “A Star is Born” has been brought to the screen in various incarnations, but it was the 1954 version that truly cemented its place...
Lady Gaga has introduced a new addition to her artistic repertoire with the announcement of ‘Harlequin,’ a jazz album set to release on September 27. This...
Phillip Schofield is set to make his return to television with a new Channel 5 special, titled “Cast Away,” as reported 16 months after his departure...
“America's Got Talent” (AGT) crowned its latest champion as Richard Goodall, a singer from Indiana, emerged victorious in the show’s grand finale. The decision was announced...
Megalopolis is set to be a career-defining film for Francis Ford Coppola, a filmmaker whose career spans more than half a century. The film, funded with...
Ellen DeGeneres, renowned for her role as a daytime talk show host, has released her latest stand-up special, titled Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval. The special,...
The controversy surrounding the Tirupati laddu, a famed religious offering in India, has drawn the attention of actors and politicians, resulting in an exchange between Tamil...
“America’s Got Talent” has crowned Richard Goodall as the winner of its 19th season. The singer from Indiana, known for his signature paperboy hat and an...
In a thrilling conclusion to the 2024 season of “America's Got Talent,” Richard Goodall, a janitor from Indiana, emerged victorious, capturing the hearts of viewers with...
A recent statement by Nollywood actress Toyin Adegbola, known popularly as Toyin Tomato, has sparked conversations on marriage and gender equality. During an Instagram live session...