Popular Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey recently commended the exceptional acting skills of fellow actor Vicky Kaushal, hailing him as one of the finest talents in the...
The 77th British Academy Film Awards is underway in London, showcasing a star-studded event filled with glamour and anticipation. The ceremony has attracted top actors from...
Harry Styles, the renowned singer of ‘As It Was,’ delighted fans with a surprise appearance at the Luton vs. Manchester United match at Kenilworth Road. The...
Hello everyone, and welcome to The Guardian’s liveblog of the 2024 Bafta film awards. The atmosphere is electric as stars begin to arrive at the Southbank...
Popular Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has shared a delightful piece of news with his fans as he announced that he and his wife Natasha Dalal are...
In the realm of luxury automobiles, African celebrities are not left behind in owning some of the most expensive and exotic cars in the world. These...
Drummer Adam Gammage, who has enchanted audiences at Glastonbury among other prestigious stages, is now poised to share his drumming prowess in Northampton, his hometown. Gammage,...
The iconic presence of Fearless Nadia in 1935’s Hunterwali marked a turning point in the Indian film industry. Born as Mary Ann Evans in Perth, Australia,...
Love Island heartthrob Davide Sanclimenti was spotted in Dubai cozying up to businesswoman Paris Jai McDonald, reminiscent of his past relationship with Ekin, on Wednesday. The...
Superstar ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, known for bringing wooden puppet Charlie McCarthy to life, left a lasting legacy in the world of entertainment. Bergen’s daughter, Candice, who...