Central Iowa was left reeling after a deadly tornado swept through rural communities, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Iowa State Patrol confirmed fatalities...
In preparation for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, residents of a quaint village in Huainan, a city in Anhui Province, China, are diving into the age-old...
A bodybuilder named Sven Lindemann has been sentenced to 31 years in prison for the brutal stabbing murder of his girlfriend Monique Lezsak, in a case...
A destructive tornado wreaked havoc in Greenfield, Iowa, a small town in the heart of the Midwest, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. FOX...
A tragic incident unfolded in Hornchurch, East London, as a woman in her 50s lost her life in a harrowing XL bully dog attack at a...
A controversial saga surrounding American fugitive rape suspect Nicholas Rossi‘s identity has come to light in a captivating documentary named ‘Imposter: The Man Who Came Back...
In the general elections held in Mumbai, the voter turnout stood at 52.27 percent, a decrease from the previous election cycle, with voters facing challenging weather...
The UK government is set to reveal a compensation package in excess of £10 billion ($12.7 billion) this week for victims of a decades-old contaminated blood...
Get ready for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024, the horticultural extravaganza that promises to dazzle crowds once again in London. Scheduled from May 21 to...
This year, Victoria Day falls on Monday, May 20, in Ontario. Victoria Day is celebrated across Ontario, with cities like Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, Halton Region, Toronto,...