Allegations of sexual assault have surfaced against renowned artist Kehinde Wiley, as British-born Ghanaian artist Joseph Awuah-Darko accuses him of misconduct. The claims were laid out...
A significant power outage has struck southeast New Brunswick, leaving thousands of residents without electricity on Monday. According to NB Power, approximately 5,000 customers are currently...
Delhi residents are escaping the scorching heat by heading towards hill stations in states like Uttarakhand. The iconic tourist spots in the mountainous regions are witnessing...
Three individuals lost their lives, and five others sustained injuries on Saturday night, following a devastating boat collision on Bobs Lake, located north of Kingston, Ontario....
Mohini Ekadashi, also known as the Vaishakh Shukla Paksha Ekadashi, holds immense significance in the Hindu calendar. Devotees across the country observe this day as a...
A frost advisory has been released by Environment and Climate Change Canada covering Airdrie and its nearby regions. The advisory warns of potential patchy frost tonight...
An Air India Express flight destined for Kochi from Bengaluru had to make an emergency landing at the Bengaluru airport on May 18th, following a fire...
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has announced the result for the Constable Tradesman recruitment exam. Candidates can now check their results on the official website...
Italian football club Juventus announced the termination of Massimiliano Allegri‘s coaching tenure, citing behaviors during the Coppa Italia final as incompatible with the club’s values. The...
Recently, a significant seizure of unauthorized elvers took place at Toronto Pearson International Airport, sparking concerns over international smuggling operations. The operation, carried out by officers...