Todd Phillips’ much-anticipated sequel, “Joker: Folie à Deux,” is gearing up for its theatrical release amid contrasting expectations for its box office performance. The 2019 film...
Daniel Day-Lewis, the acclaimed three-time Oscar-winning actor, is set to return to the big screen following his retirement announcement in 2017. He will star in ‘Anemone’,...
The iconic Trans-Tasman touring music festival, St Jerome's Laneway Festival, has officially announced its 2025 dates and venues. Known for its diverse line-up of live music,...
Amazon Games and NCSOFT have collaboratively launched a new massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), ‘Throne and Liberty‘, on October 1, 2024. Set in the expansive...
National Boyfriend Day, celebrated annually on October 3, is a time for people to show appreciation for their partners, according to the National Day Calendar website....
LOS ANGELES (AP) — John Amos, best known for his roles as the family patriarch on the 1970s sitcom “Good Times” and his Emmy-nominated performance in...
Adam Brody is captivating audiences in his latest television role, “Nobody Wants This,” a modern romantic comedy streaming on Netflix. The series has quickly become a...
Ina Garten, often affectionately known as the “Barefoot Contessa,” is once again in the spotlight, but this time for a venture distinct from her usual culinary...
Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, and director Todd Phillips have kept audiences guessing about the nature of their latest film, ‘Joker: Folie à Deux,’ initially teasing whether...
In a candid interview, world-renowned pop artist Ariana Grande recently addressed long-standing rumors concerning her cosmetic surgery history. The “Thank U, Next” singer participated in Vanity...