Following the 1995 release of “GoldenEye,” renowned actor Pierce Brosnan reprised his iconic role as James Bond in the 1997 film “Tomorrow Never Dies.” This installment...
Actor Parvin Dabas was recently involved in a serious car accident that resulted in significant injuries. According to his wife, Preeti Jhangiani, the accident involved the...
Streaming giants are reportedly engaged in a fierce competition to secure the rights for a documentary about the much-anticipated reunion tour of the iconic British band,...
On September 9, 2024, popular Tamil actor Jayam Ravi announced his separation from his wife, Aarti, on social media. This announcement followed widespread speculation and rumors...
Singer Miley Cyrus and her boyfriend Maxx Morando were recently spotted attending a Future Islands concert, highlighting the strength of their relationship. The two artists, who...
British band Coldplay is set to make their return to India after a nine-year hiatus, with performances scheduled at the DY Patil Stadium in Mumbai on...
Toyah Willcox, a British singer, discussed her past experiences with corrective surgery during the debut live episode of the new series of “Strictly Come Dancing.” Willcox,...
Colin Farrell has been in New York City this week promoting HBO‘s new Batman spinoff miniseries, ‘The Penguin‘. The actor, renowned for his roles in both...
The latest adaptation of Liane Moriarty‘s work, “Apples Never Fall,” has premiered on BBC One, featuring an ensemble cast that includes Annette Bening, Sam Neill, and...
‘Strictly Come Dancing‘ returned for its 2024 season, marking the 20th anniversary of the popular BBC dance competition. The show, which premiered its initial series weekend...