Gloria Hunniford, the beloved veteran broadcaster, has shared the sorrowful news of her husband Stephen Way’s passing. After more than two decades of marriage, the 84-year-old...
The excitement is building as a new trailer for “Kraven the Hunter” has just dropped, showcasing some thrilling action! The film features Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Kraven,...
In a recent interview with GQ, George Clooney didn’t hold back when discussing his feelings about fellow director Quentin Tarantino. Clooney revealed he’s feeling “a little...
The excitement is building as the second series of Celebrity Race Across the World kicks off tonight on One. Contestants are gearing up for an adventure...
Jaymi Hensley, a member of the boy band Union J, is facing a heavy heart after a tragic incident that took the life of his fiancé,...
Sam Smith is once again the target of online misinformation, this time with a bizarre label of ‘semibisexual.’ The 32-year-old singer is being misquoted in a...
One of Australia’s most beloved music festivals, Byron Bay Bluesfest, will come to an end after its 2025 event. The festival, which has been a staple...
After announcing their separation last month, Hardik Pandya has found himself at the center of dating rumors once again. People are speculating that the cricketer is...
There’s a new phrase making waves on TikTok, and it’s all about being ‘very demure, very mindful.’ It started with TikToker Joolie Lebron, who introduced the...
For the first time in more than a decade, a film from New Brunswick is making waves at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). The movie,...