Netflix‘s widely acclaimed series ‘Kota Factory’ returns with its highly anticipated Season 3, bringing an emotional narrative shift as the beloved teacher Jeetu Bhaiya grapples with...
Raleigh is set for a vibrant weekend with a mix of Juneteenth celebrations and music festivals. The city will resonate with the voices of renowned artists...
Oscar-winning actor Kevin Costner has addressed the ongoing rumors surrounding his alleged romantic involvement with singer Jewel in a recent interview on the popular show, The...
ITV has recently undergone significant changes in response to the scandal involving former This Morning presenter Phillip Schofield. The network has initiated reforms that include banning...
Deepika Padukone, the Bollywood star, delighted fans by sharing pictures of her baby bump on Instagram ahead of the highly anticipated pre-release event of ‘Kalki 2898...
Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, the Queen‘s youngest son and his spouse respectively, made light of the ongoing drama surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle‘s...
Revolutionizing entertainment experiences, JioCinema Premium is all set to mesmerize its subscribers with the premiere of Bigg Boss OTT Season 3, a digital reality sensation in...
Sabrina Carpenter and Barry Keoghan were seen enjoying a cozy date night out in London recently. The pop star and her boyfriend, Keoghan, decided to step...
Rock legend Stevie Nicks has recently revealed her solo music plans following the end of the iconic band Fleetwood Mac. In an exclusive interview with Mojo,...
Rachel Stevens, the former member of the popular British pop group S Club 7, has candidly discussed the complexities she faces in her co-parenting dynamic with...