A rare record by John Lennon, the renowned musician and member of the iconic band The Beatles, was sold for millions at a recent auction. The...
Graham Norton, the beloved television host and comedian, is all set to return with a new season of his popular talk show, much to the delight...
Music legend Paul McCartney, a former member of The Beatles, has announced exciting news for his fans around the world. The iconic musician has revealed that...
In a surprise announcement, music legend Elton John has revealed plans for his final tour, titled Farewell Yellow Brick Road. The iconic singer and songwriter made...
Edinburgh‘s famous Hogmanay Street Party, one of the world’s largest New Year celebrations, will take on a different form this year. With ongoing concerns over public...
Renowned music icon Tina Turner was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at the 64th Annual Grammy Awards held on Sunday night. The Grammy Awards,...
Rick Astley, the iconic British pop singer known for his hit song ‘Never Gonna Give You Up,’ has made a surprising comeback with the release of...
In a surprising turn of events, renowned music industry insider Zan Rowe has just announced her departure from her long-standing position at a popular radio station....
Renowned filmmaker John Pilger‘s latest documentary, ‘The Dirty War on the NHS,’ has been released online, offering a critical analysis of the British healthcare system. The...
As the year comes to an end, people all around the world are preparing to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new with joy...