Renowned strategist and brand consultant, Leke Alder, marked his 60th birthday with a unique event titled ‘An Intimate Festival of Words’ at Alliance Francaise, Mike Adenuga...
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has expanded its focus beyond traditional disaster response by undertaking new initiatives to improve victim identification forensics and cadaver dog...
In recognition of Polio Day 2024, advocates and health experts worldwide are emphasizing the critical advantages of polio vaccination for children, underscoring its pivotal role in...
After the unfortunate blast at Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru on Friday, reports indicate potential impending eye loss for one individual among the nine injured. Among those...
Ayesha Curry is using her platform to address the stigma surrounding geriatric pregnancies as she graces the cover of a magazine with her exciting baby news....
Chick-fil-A, the renowned fast-food chain, has issued a recall on its popular Polynesian sauce across certain states following a potential contamination with wheat and soy allergens....
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has revealed that testosterone replacement therapy alone may not decrease the risk of progression from prediabetes to diabetes...
The California Department of Public Health has issued a caution to consumers regarding certain jarred food items produced by Shamshad Food. These products were manufactured without...
The Bachelor star, Joey Graziadei, has recently opened up about his health condition, Gilbert syndrome, and how it impacts the color of his eyes. In a...
With the arrival of autumn, renowned gardening expert Sabrina Hahn from The West Australian is imparting valuable advice on reviving gardens after the scorching summer. Hahn...